ECC supervisors have the ability to listen to live calls using the ECC web application. 

To do this you need to login to the ECC portal and then login in to one of the queues, however remember to click to stop taking requests otherwise you ill receive calls when your not listening to live calls. 

1. Select Agents in the left toolbar and then the agent you wish to listen to

2. This will show the active calls the agent is on. If you select the Phone icon this will give additional information about the call.

3. Clicking on the headset icon in the top right will then call your phone and you will be able to listen into the call, you will be on mute and the customer and agent wont be able to hear you.

4. 2 more options are available when you are in an active call these are silent whisper (this will allow you to pass instructions to the agent without the customer hearing you) and also the barge-in option, this as expected will allow you to connect into the call to speak to both agent and customer.